Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Favourite art books

Degenerate Art
The attack on modern art in Nazi Germany 1937
Olaf Peters, Neue Galerie, Prestel 2014
The Mad Square
Modernity in German art 1910-37
Art Gallery NSW, Prestel 2011
Alfred Kubin
Neue Galerie, Prestel 2008
Käthe Kollwitz
Prints and drawings
Carl Zigrosser, Dover 2014
Odilon Redon: I Am the First Consciousness of Chaos
The black album - Lithographs, etchings and charcoals
Candice Black, Solar Books 2010
Hugo Simberg
Unien maalari (Painter of Dreams)
Riikka Stewen, Otava 2004
Hugo Simberg
Grafiikkaa - Graphic Art
Sakari Saarikivi, WSOY 1947
30,000 Years of Art
The story of human creativity across time and space
Phaidon 2015
Photography: The Whole Story
Entire history of photography
Det här är fotografi, Juliet Hacking, Norstedts 2013

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