Monday, July 23, 2018

I start with ideas and people

I hate explaining my works and I hate labels even more. I have always felt that there are far more interesting things than terminally limited and limiting labels. I start with ideas and people.

When I was growing up, very few people in my family talked about ideas. I discovered early on that we are problematic and strange. Our need for normality and routines is logical, but it also illustrates our amusing strangeness. My imagination thrived because I didn't know what the rules were supposed to be.

You shouldn't lose your naive imagination completely. Images, moods and moments are things we all build. There's nothing quite like the sense of having a playground and the courage to present an enigmatic vision.

Am I discussing my personal history in my works? The short answer is yes, but it's not that simple. It's usually something I notice afterwards. Sometimes it's just the easiest or most obvious interpretation.

It's my job to fight mindlessness, boredom, apathy and misery. Sometimes I need a break, but after that break I feel like I have to do something different.

Today there are millions of images everywhere. It's my job as an artist to build images and connect things in interesting ways. I spend long periods of time by myself without distractions. Most of the time I use simple tools. I don't feel the need to swim in art supplies. Everything I've done creatively so far has been low budget, but I'm not complaining.

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