Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Playing around with creative ideas affects my world view

If you google the word art, you will find plenty of arty graphics and hobby art. I could never just do something like that. I wouldn't be satisfied. Those are just some of the typical results.

Another thing I could never do is say I'm outside politics. We create politics, but it doesn't have to be typical politics.

I'm an observer inspired by the chemistry found in the body and the environment. I have to feed the subconscious and face creative problems without fear or apologies.

My works are suggestive. It's one of the reasons why I keep going back to my favourite images. I think the world needs strong images. The richness of these images is more important than any final explanation.

When you defend art, you are defending the warm connection with other people. That connection is complex and it is under the surface.

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