Monday, July 29, 2019

Art questions July 2019

Q: What would you say to young artists?

A: Go further with your own ideas. People will remember artists who make use of their own peculiar DNA. If you are a visual artist, ask yourself: why do you want to be one?

Don't let the bastards grind you down. Making art is what I'm here for. Don't just rely on speeches and don't do stupid crap just because it hasn't been done before.

Q: What would you say to people who feel apprehensive about art or art galleries?

A: Show how much you care. If you do that, you will develop some kind of taste. You have to let it develop. We fall in love with different works because they made us stop and they felt interesting. Many of them are deceptively simple on the surface.

Q: What are you working on right now?

A: My 8th album - the second Vengeful Semblance album. It will be out in 2020. I'm planning a wax drawing animation and I've also started writing short stories. Right now I've got ideas for 15 stories. I still have to make 35 wax drawings this year.

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