Thursday, December 27, 2018

I love black and white

Autumn by Hugo Simberg


Odilon Redon (1840–1916), Edvard Munch (1863–1944),
Hugo Simberg (1873–1917)

German Expressionism:

Käthe Kollwitz (1867–1945), Otto Dix (1891–1969)

Engravings, woodcuts and illustrations:

Albrecht Dürer (1471–1528), Gustave Doré (1832–1883)

Finnish photography:

Matti A. Pitkänen (1930–1997)
- Seitsemän auringon yö (The Night of the Seven Suns, 1966)
- Kauneimmat maisemat (Most Beautiful Landscapes, 1984)

North American photography:

Edward S. Curtis (1868–1952)
- Visions of the First Americans (2006)

Man Ray (1890–1976)

Ansel Adams (1902–1984)

Roloff Beny (1924-1984)
- The Gods of Greece (1983)


Carl Theodor Dreyer (1889–1968)
- The Passion of Joan of Arc (1928)
- Vampyr (1932)
- Ordet (1955)

Alfred Hitchcock (1899–1980)
- Psycho (1960)

Kaneto Shindo (1912–2012)
- Onibaba (1964)
- Kuroneko (1968)

George Andrew Romero (1940–2017)
- Night of the Living Dead (1968)

David Lynch (1946)
- Eraserhead (1977)

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