Saturday, February 24, 2018

About my ideas

I'm not trying to be the next Edvard Munch, Käthe Kollwitz or Vincent van Gogh. Ideas are part of my own vitality and sanity. In order to feel alive I have to discover different ways to surprise myself. I'm not going to draw something that I can fully explain or copy something
I found.

Some people feel the need to apologise. They have one strange idea and they panic. I have always felt things deeply, but the true value of this eluded me for a long time. I also used to feel guilty because
I wanted to spend more time by myself. In a way I was missing who
I was. The world of ideas allows me to breathe. As an artist everything around me is for my own use.

I want to have ideas but I can't say I wanted to have these specific ideas. My drive is influenced by rediscovered childhood, emotional fantasies and fresh mixtures of bodily and environmental chemistries.

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