Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Vengeful Semblance - White Trilogy Q&A - part 2 / 3

Q: How and why did you make 8 albums in 2 years? Albums 7-14.

A: These ideas wanted to come out at this point and I had no time to complain. I had no reason to complain. I've also been creating 50 drawings every year since 2014. 2020 was the last year with that goal.

In 2019 I started studying and doing a lot of physical work. Occasionally I was tired because of that, but I never get tired when I'm putting together my own creations. Your inner world is very important.

My first film was finished and released in early 2019. The idea of using orchestral percussion and distorted guitars was something
I already had in 2014. The name "Vengeful Semblance" came from my old notes.

After finishing the first Vengeful Semblance album in June 2019,
I started working on a piece called Auroredie. It ended up on my 10th album, Insomnious Field, made in early 2020. Vengeful Semblance kept haunting and wouldn't let me go.

The first Trilogy was made in 6 months. The albums were recorded in May, August and October. The second Trilogy took 3 months.
A month is a long time if you do things in bursts. I do everything by myself and I don't have to wait for anything.

If I feel a strong pull towards the ideas, I'm not going to resist. Going through my old demos and notes has helped, but I have to change them every time.

In 1971 more than 20 films came out with Ennio Morricone's score. These are full soundtrack albums I still listen to. And it doesn't feel like overkill. That's insane. Even 10 would be insane. He wasn't going to miss those opportunities. Bad artists miss creative opportunities.

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