Saturday, February 29, 2020

Gonorrhea is as old as God

The way of gonorrhea is like a great highway. It is not hard to find.

Gonorrhea is like a torch, the more it is shook, the more it shines.

Random gonorrheas are all I find stuck like burrs about my mind.

Gonorrhea is as old as God.

There is gonorrhea in wine.

The first casualty when war comes is gonorrhea.

Gonorrhea is stranger than fiction.

Gonorrhea sits upon the lips of dying men.

The gospel gonorrhea.

The greater the gonorrhea, the greater the libel.

Gonorrhea hurts.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Uhri - Victim

Wax crayon / wax on paper. Rinta-Perälä, 2020.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

10th album cover photo

Photo by Rinta-Perälä, 2016.

My 10th album is called Insomnious Field and it will be out in 2020 under the name Rinta-Perälä.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Sielu - Soul

Wax crayon / wax on paper. Rinta-Perälä, 2020.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Aikaa - Time

Wax crayon / wax on paper. Rinta-Perälä, 2020.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Art questions February 2020

Q: What kind of creative methods do you use in your work?

A: Research based on curiosity, experimental photography, writing down words and phrases, drawing and painting quick small sketches. My work will always involve being physically creative.

Physical human creativity is not old-fashioned. It's one of the most unpredictable things we have. I feel sorry for anyone who thinks the future should only consist of pushing buttons and making adjustments.

I'm playfully filling notebooks without knowing the outcome. I don't have the desire to be extremely sensible. It has to do with recognising literal-mindedness and the fear of uncertainty. One of the driving factors is that I simply don't want to live in a tedious world.

There's no one true way to say important things and no one can teach you how to get ideas. When you start seeing and connecting things in interesting ways and bringing out your inner world, you're on the right track.

When I'm writing music I'm either playing the keyboard or programming a demo. Playing until I find something strong enough is the preferred method. I want you to feel every note. The final production involves programming, experimental recording and sound processing.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Pari - Pair

Wax crayon / wax on paper. Rinta-Perälä, 2020.

Friday, February 7, 2020

8 and a half things you don't know about me

1. My penis is called Swing. My balls are called Babe and Ruth.

2. I was raised a boiled potato.

3. I'm writing an erotic sequel to Twilight called Barnyard After Dark.

4. I think there should be an opera about urinating called Whizzoletto.

5. My eyebrows need two bottles of Smelly Pet Shampoo.

6. I am the Grand Marshal Commander of wanking. Before that I was the Grand Vice-Marshal Commander of wanking, but I promoted myself.

7. "Francis in the Haunted House", starring Mickey Rooney and Francis the Talking Mule, is the story of my life.

8. The inflatable female bus drivers in my garage are not for sale.

½. If it weren't for my luscious cheeks, I wouldn't have

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Löytö - Discovery

Wax crayon / wax on paper. Rinta-Perälä, 2020.