Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Real fascism is not sane politics or self-expression

"Have you ever noticed how we never get any great composers from the KKK?"
George Carlin

Fascism, far-right extremism and nazism are not someone's own business. Releasing nazi music has nothing to do with freedom. It is the opposite. It is not "open-minded."

I can't believe I have to explain these things. This is why I don't trust so many record labels now.

These desperate, childish morons keep releasing this shit from clowns who use words like "extreme" or "evil." They are like toddlers repeating swear words. They are rock bottom psychos who want their stupidity normalised.

Twisted fantasies about genocide and dictatorships don't belong anywhere. Please stop calling nazi lunacy "political." What the fuck happened to standards?

If you work with fascists, everything goes down the toilet. This is truly the age of lowering the bar, and these nazi morons are proof of that.

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