Thursday, May 5, 2022

It used to be OK to talk about unknown artists

It's hard to think of anything so desperately stupid as blatant status worship.

If I see something stupid, I'm going to call it stupid. I don't want to live in a world filled with assholes. If the way you describe the world and your audience sounds stupid, what does that say about your so-called audience?

It is extremely cynical to focus on the mechanics instead of the motives. To think that every artist's success is based on likes, hashtags, mainstream endorsements, transactional garbage and pretence. That every musician's dream is to be included in some cheeseball playlist.

I'm criticising the masses without mentioning age. Anyone can make these mistakes. It doesn't matter how old you are. I have never talked about a specific generation, but what I'm going to talk about is the future.

My art is rarely about predicting the result. When people call an artist a prophet, they are talking about the artist's visionary qualities, not marketing strategies. It is the result of exploration and tireless dedication. The result of asking the right questions instead of memorising the right answers.

If this doesn't continue, creativity will not have a future.

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