Monday, August 31, 2020

Art questions September 2020

Pencil drawing from 1999.

Q: What sort of things did you draw when you were a child?

A: Horror movie stuff. Almost exclusively. Tales from the Crypt, Evil Dead and tons of zombie movies. I was literally going under the skin. These days I'm doing it differently.

I saw Seven when I was 10 and I drew the first victim. Face in the plate, feet tied with wire and cockroaches on the floor. These were strong images.

Q: How do you explain your productivity? In 8 years you have made 13 albums, 1 film and more than 300 individual drawings.

A: I don't have unfinished works lying around. Ideas usually come to me in a flash and I do things in bursts. Focus on it and finish it.

Doing and being is absolutely essential. The lazier you are the more crap you deserve. If you're doing nothing to support creativity, you deserve the crappiest art.

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